IHR Call for Convenors

The Modern Italian History Seminar convenors at the Institute of Historical Research, London, are looking to recruit two new convenors to join the team. As part of the convening team, you will be expected to take responsibility for organising at least one event per academic year (in person or hybrid, in London or elsewhere in the UK) and to actively oversee the seminar’s management and selection of speakers.

If you are interested in becoming a convenor, please submit:
• a short statement (max. 250 words) explaining why you would like to join the convening team, what you can contribute and any ideas for speakers and/or topics you think would be a good fit for the seminar;
• a short CV (max. 2 pages) to include your education, professional appointments, major publications and your experience in organising seminars, workshops…
Applications should be submitted to the seminar’s Lead Convenor, Dr Selena Daly (University College London), at [email protected] by 5 p.m. on July 3rd, 2024. Successful applicants will be informed by the start of August so that they can contribute to the seminar planning for 2024/25.

Download the Call for Convenors.